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CADconform for MicroStation Readme

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What's new in CADconform?

For the latest enhancements to the product in each revision of CADconform, see the Feature Request report. Fixes to known problems can also be found in the Bug Fix Report

Brief highlights are listed below:


New in version 8.0

  • New V8 licence file format, see here more more info.

  • Support for feature types: 3D Solid, Hatch, Note/Leader

  • Platform support for Bentley Navigator, AECOsim and e-promis.

  • Symbology icons in the Report Viewer

  • Modified rows can now be highlighted or removed from the report.

  • Fully customisable reporting columns

  • Checking of hatch type, angle, cell and spacing.

  • Faster watermarking and watermark integrity checking.

  • Ability to merge selected features in the feature table editor.

  • Ability to choose the drafting command for every feature type from a drop-down list.

  • Added tab pages to the Conform window to flip between preview images, text description or both.

  • Support for DTM (type 106) elements used in OpenRoads.

  • The Batch Processor can now keep track of the active model via a toggle command.

  • Added ability to check and correct cells on 'is annotation cell' status.

  • Unicode support for design files with Asian language strings (levels, style names, etc)

  • Conform allows a "current scale" to be set, which allows quick selection of the active multi-scale setting.

  • Improved string filtering in Conform, including the ability to match on level name.

  • Option to check/fix on text scale proportionality independently of text size.

  • Option to check on maximum element size (useful in 3D models with compound cells).

  • The pooled licence 'alive' timer now operates in a  separate thread to MicroStation, eliminating potential pauses due to network congestion.

  • Reports can now be sorted by the last two selected columns, and numeric columns are no longer sorted alphabetically.

  • Option to allow features only if they are found in a certain model (e.g. the title block reference model).

  • Support for negative text size.

  • Added a command to view a customisable log of configuration variables from the 'Tech Support' window.

New options for defining cross-hatching

View Report

A custom Feature Summary report showing the symbology icons and two rows with modified elements in red.

The new 'Technical Support' window


New in version 7.1


Docking panels Cell Selector Image
Four Drafting Menus docked and pinned to the left panel of MicroStation's main window. Each menu pops out automatically when the mouse moves over the tab page. The new CADconform Cell Selector showing a cell library in multi-cell preview mode



Older Additions in v7.1


* This means for example, that a level named "REBAR" will be a closer match to "EXISTING_REBAR" than "CONCRETE" and will thus increase the match score. Similarly two shades of grey will have a higher match score for colour than a grey and green element.


Copyright 2000-2019 Altiva Software, Inc. Last modified by Piers Porter.