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The Report Job File (*.repjob)

The job file contains all of the settings for the reports to be generated. This file can be created from within CADconform when running in interactive mode, simply by saving the current settings to a job file in the Batch Processor (pictured below).

The Report Job file is a plain ASCII text file containing all of the design files, levels, database and report criteria necessary to generate the reports. A sample Report Job File is listed below:

# Report Job File
# Created automatically by CADconform : Version 7.0.03
# on Sun Feb 21 22:52:59 2010
# Note: Comments are preceded by the hash '#' symbol.
# Design files can be specified by manually editing this file in the format:
# For example:
# DGN = C:\test\myfile.dgn, Default ? <ALL>
# Note that the model name and levels are optional.
# Wildcards '?' and '*' are supported in file names, as are directory names,
# e.g.:
# DGN = C:\test\
# DGN = C:\test\*.dgn ? <ALL>

# Settings for this Report:
JobName = Piers Porter-067-S-02197_1
ReportName = Piers Porter-067-S-02197_1
UserName = API Signing
WaterMarkCellLibrary = E:\Workspace\Shared Resources\cell\Target.cel
FeatureTables = Electrical
FeatureDatasource = BHP Global Conform
ReportDatasource = BHP Global Conform
TextOutputDir =
CSVOutputDir =

ReportAllErrors = -1
ReportErrorSummary = 1
ReportFeatureSummary = -1
ReportWatermarks = 1

SQLErrorSummary = SELECT * FROM <TABLE>;
SQLFeatureSummary = SELECT * FROM <TABLE>;
SQLWatermarks = SELECT * FROM <TABLE>;
SQLSearchReplace = SELECT * FROM <TABLE>;
SQLMatchSummary = SELECT * FROM <TABLE>;

ScanType = Cells, Linear, Shapes, Text & Dimensions
AllowRanges = 1
ClipByShape = 0
ClipByFence = 0
ShapeFeature =
UseRefAttachScale = 0
UseRefClipping = 1
ApplyGlobalScale = 1
DefaultGlobalScale = 1.000000
UpdateWatermarks = 1
CertifyRefFiles = 0
CertifyGfxSettings = 0
CertifyRasterImages = 0
DefaultLevelMode = 1
AddAllModels = 6
AddUndisplayedRefs = 0

# Design files to report on:
DGN = C:\temp\067-S-02197_1.dgn, Default ? <ALL>
REF = 1804, C:\temp\067-S-02197_1.dgn, BIOA1_v4.dgn ? <ALL>

Report Generator

The Batch Processor Dialog

 Advanced Options

The Advanced Options Dialog



The Report Job Settings

The settings in the Report Job File correlate to the dialog box settings in the following way:


Report Job Key Dialog Box Equivalent Purpose
JobName  File > Open / Save As Filename of Report Job File
ReportName Report Name Unique name of the report
FeatureTables  Report Generator > Feature Tables Define the CAD standards to check against
FeatureDatasource Login > Data Source The ODBC data source containing our Feature Tables
ReportDatasource  Report Generator > Data Source The ODBC data source where the reports are written to
TextOutputDir  Advanced Options > Output Options > Text Files Directory path to output text files
CSVOutputDir  Advanced Options > Output Options > CSV Files Directory path to output CSV files
ReportAllErrors  Report Generator > Error List Creates an Error List Report
ReportErrorSummary  Report Generator > Error Summary Creates an Error Summary Report
ReportFeatureSummary  Report Generator > Feature Summary Creates a Feature Summary Report
ReportWatermarks  Report Generator > Watermark Status Creates a Watermark Report
SQLInfoTable Advanced Options > Output Options > Report Info Defines the SQL query used to create the Info report
SQLDesignFiles Advanced Options > Output Options > Design Info Defines the SQL query used to create the Design File report
SQLAllErrors  Advanced Options > Output Options > Error List Defines the SQL query used to create the Error List report
SQLErrorSummary  Advanced Options > Output Options > Error Summary Defines the SQL query used to create the Error Summary report
SQLFeatureSummary  Advanced Options > Output Options > Feature Summary Defines the SQL query used to create the Feature Summary report
SQLWatermarks  Advanced Options > Output Options > Watermark Info Defines the SQL query used to create the Watermark Status report
SQLSearchReplace N/A Reserved for future expansion
SQLMatchList N/A Reserved for future expansion
SQLMatchSummary N/A Reserved for future expansion
ScanType  Advanced Options > Scan Feature Types Defines the element types for this report (cell, linear, shape, text and dimensions)
AllowRanges  Advanced Options > Allow Ranges Allow symbology ranges for the Feature Tables
ClipByShape  Advanced Options > Clip by Shape Restricts the report to elements within a border shape
ClipByFence  Advanced Options > Clip by Fence Currently ignored
ShapeFeature  Advanced Options > [Shape Name] The feature name of the clipping shape in the Feature Table
UseRefAttachScale  Advanced Options > Reports Options > Use Attachment Scale Scale text and cells in a reference file by the attachment scale
UseRefClipping  Advanced Options > Reports Options > Use Clip Boundary/Masks Ignores reference file elements hidden by clip boundaries and clipping masks
AllowRefDuplicates  Advanced Options > Reports Options > Allow Duplicate Ref Files Allow the same reference file to be checked more than once 
ApplyGlobalScale  Advanced Options > Reports Options > Apply Scale Scale the size of text and cells by the active drawing scale
DefaultGlobalScale  Advanced Options > Reports Options > Default Scale Defines the scale to use if the active drawing scale is not defined
UpdateWatermarks  Advanced Options > Reports Options > Update Existing Watermarks Allow overwriting of existing watermarks during certification
CertifyRefFiles Advanced Options > Reports Options > Check Reference Watermarks Indicates that a change to the reference files will invalidate the watermark
CertifyGfxSettings Advanced Options > Reports Options > Check Design Settings Indicates that a change to any of the design settings will invalidate the watermark
DefaultLevelMode Advanced Options > Reports Options > Default Level Mode Specifies which levels to check on by default when reporting
DGN Design Files Defines a design file to report on, followed by a question mark, and the levels to use
REF Reference Files Defines the reference design files, preceded either by the reference slot or the Model ID


Copyright 2001-2016 Altiva Software, Inc. Last modified by Piers Porter.