Altiva Licence Server |
The following steps should be taken for uninstalling Altiva Licence Server, in the following order:
On Windows 7 / Server 20016 through to Windows 11 / Server 2022:
C:\ProgramData\Altiva Software\Altiva Licence Server\*.*
NB: If you don't stop and remove the ALS service prior to uninstalling the program, then it may remain loaded and running until the next reboot, as the Operating System cannot remove the EXE file for a service that is currently in use. Furthermore, failing to stop and remove the service may prevent the application from being successfully reinstalled to the same path, as Windows may lock the "ALS.exe" file to prevent it being rewritten after it is flagged for deletion on reboot. |
Uninstalling ALS through the "Programs & Features" window of the Control Panel