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Altiva Licence Server

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The ALS Main Window

ALS Main Window

All aspects of ALS can be controlled via the main window. This includes controlling the ALS service, viewing the log files, importing new licence files and editing the configuration. This window is displayed when the ALS shortcut is run from the Start Menu. The full list of commands is listed below:
Usage Log
Access Log
Debug Log
Expired Log
View / Edit
Check Port
Import Licence File
Show Licence Folder

The ALS Service Controls

This group box includes controls for the ALS service, including buttons for controlling the service status, and displaying brief information on the current status of the service.


The status field shows the current status of the Altiva Licence Service. It also shows general errors and diagnostics.


This button installs the ALS service to register it with the Windows Service Control Manager. Once the ALS service is registered, it can then be fully controlled by the SCM to start and stop the service, and also restart the service automatically when Windows is rebooted. Note though that installing the service does not actually start the service, you will need to press the start button to actually begin serving licences.


This button uninstalls and deregisters the ALS service. After the service is removed, it will no longer appear visible to the Windows Service Control Manager. This means the service will no longer be restarted when Windows is rebooted. The Remove button should be used when you are uninstalling Aliva Licence Server or upgrading to a newer version.


The start button begins the ALS service. Once the service is successfully started, it will begin to serve licences to any requested clients until it is stopped or removed. If the start process encounters an error, then a brief description of the problem will appear in the Service Status window. If the problem is not easily diagnosed, then more information as to why the service could not be started can be viewed in the debug log file. If the start succeeds, then the Start button will become disabled and the Stop button will become enabled.


This button will stop the ALS service. This may be useful prior to removal of the service, or to restart the service after a change to either the configuration or the licence files. After the service is stopped, it will no longer serve licences.

Log Files

Log files are kept to store the number of used licences, the number of available (free) licences, the history of licence usage and also diagnostic (debugging) information. Log files are viewed by the program Windows has associated with the default operation for "*.log" files.  If no application is associated with log files, then Windows will allow you to choose a program to open them with (such as Windows Notepad). To view or change the program used for viewing log files, open  an Explorer window and click on the menu "View > Folder Options > File Types" and locate the "LOG" file entry in the list.

Current Licence

This button opens the licence usage log.  This log shows all of the licences available and what the current status is, such as whether it is available, or which machine it is currently checked out to if it is not available. This log file is rewritten each time a licence is checked in or out, so it is effectively a dynamic view of the current licence pool.

Access History

This button opens the licence access log.  This log shows the history of which licences were checked out to various machines since the service was first started. This log is overwritten every time the service is rebooted.

Debug Log

This button opens the diagnostic / debugging log file. This log contains additional information on ALS operation, including all licence checkin/checkouts and in-depth diagnostic error messages if the service fails to start. Under normal operation this log file is not particularly useful, however it is a very important tool to help pinpoint and rectify problems if the ALS service is either not starting or not operarting as expected.

Expired Log

This button opens the expired licences log file. This log file is usually empty, however if any of the licences have expired, then it will contain a list of these licences.

Configuration File

The configuration file controls some aspects of the ALS service. This file is read when the service is first started, so any changes to it require the service to be restarted before the changes will take effect.

View / Edit

This buttons causes the current configuration file to be opened in the default program associated with "CFG" files. If no application is associated with CFG files then Windows will allow the user to pick a program, such as Windows Notepad. Instructions on each variable are contained within the confguration file as comments, and settings are also explained in more detail in the "Configuration File" chapter of this manual.

Windows Firewall

These controls display the current status of the Windows Firewall, as well as allow the user to interrogate the firewall and control certain aspects of it. If a third party firewall is used then the Windows Firewall will probably be turned off, and thus these settings are not used. In this case the third party firewall should be manually configured by the administrator to allow The ALS application "ALS.EXE" as a program exception to the firewall rules, or alternatively allow the port (1999 by default) to be used.

Check Port

This button tells ALS to interrogate the current status of the Windows Firewall and test whether ALS is allowed to operate on the chosen port.Check Firewall This should be performed by a user with administrator privileges. If the port is closed, you will be prompted to allow access to it. There are two options available in opening the port:
  1. Allow any application to use the ALS port
  2. Allow only the ALS application through the Windows Firewall

The first option opens the port (1999 by default) for any program to use. This can be useful if the ALS software may get reinstalled in a different location on the same server.
The second option allows only the ALS.EXE file to communicate through the firewall. This is the default option.

Licence Files

The Licence Files group box contains the command to import licence files, as well as displaying the path to the licence folder. Multiple licence files are supported, but files must have unique file names that end with the "lic" extension. Licence files are only read when the ALS service is started, and thus the service will need to be restarted after importing a new licence file.

Import Licence File

This command button will import an existing licence file to the ALS licensing folder through a standard Windows file selector dialog box. A warning will be issued if the file name clashes with an existing file name, and the user will be prompted to automatically rename the new file or overwrite the existing one.

Show Licence Folder

This command button will open Windows Explorer at the location where the licence files are currently kept. This allows the user to manually view, edit, copy or delete licence files as required.