LaDOTD CAD Standards - AutoCAD Workspace Update Log

Date Description File(s) modified Location(s)
12/02/2014 64 bit File DSN update Installer corrects name in File DSN when 64 bit Microsoft Access driver is detected (DeployCAD installer update only)
08/04/2014 Updated Title Sheet templates Updated files:
"title sheet_paper publishing.dwt" and "title sheet_digital publishing.dwt"
...\DOTD\AutoCAD\templates\title sheet
10/09/2013 ACAD Profiles/shortcuts updated Corrected Profile names/AutoCAD shortcut (Created automatically by DeployCAD installer)
09/09/2013 General Release 3.0 Extensive Updates ...\DOTD\AutoCAD

General Information Regarding Update Log

Files in your workspace that are dated after files in a "General Release (and later listed updates) may represent ad-hoc updates (emailed updates, etc).
Unnecessarily saved workspace files may lead to confusion regarding whether the file represents the latest standard. Use the following guidelines:
_Do not save when given the choice to save or not. This may happen after a view change, etc. Auto-compress and auto save functions will also change file dates.
_Normally open resource files for informational purposes only. Open a copy when possible. A copy can be used to propose changes.